Locks of Love

Locks of Love is a non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children under age 18 suffering from long term medical hair loss. Please tell someone you love about Locks of Love.

For of those you who know Rikki Starr, you know he has undergone a major transformation. Rikki has been wearing his hair long ever since he was child and his hair had become a part of how he was recognized in the entertainment business. After suffering a personal loss, Rikki decided to give back in the form of 15 inches of donated hair to Locks of Love. Rikki's hair had to be contained in 3 separate pony tails in order to be donated and was told that quite possibly there would be enough hair donated to help more than one child with his gift of love.

"If you or someone you know is looking to give in some way and are not sure how, this may be a great opportunity to give something of yourself to a child in need. Believe me, I feel great that I was able to participate in the Locks of Love program and more importantly to help a child." - Rikki Starr

Rikki before the donation

Rikki ready to donate his hair to Locks of Love.

Rikki during the donation

Rikki's ponytails ready to be harvested.

Rikki after the donation

Rikki feeling great about his donation to Locks of Love.
(Although he appears to be in shock)


